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Appeal a Citation

Citations may be appealed before the fourteenth (14) calendar days of receiving a parking citation.


  1. Submit an appeal online, providing details and evidence to support your claim (see blue button above)
  2. You will be notified by e-mail of the appeal decision (may take up to two weeks to receive the decision). The late fee is on hold until the decision is sent.
  3. If the appeal is approved, then no further action is required.  If you have already paid for the citation and the appeal is approved, you will receive a refund accordingly.  Please note that the refund may take up to two weeks to be fully processed.
  4. If the appeal is denied you have options:
    1. PAY the citation immediately for the original fine
    2. PAY LATER and incur a 50% penalty
      1. The payment period for a citation is (14) calendar days from the original violation date. Appeals stops the clock – 1st day Citation, 4th day Appeal, Notification of denial (at bottom of appeal form), still have 10 more days to pay before 50% penalty is applied.
        (Example of how the 50% penalty works: If the original fine = $24.00 and it is not paid – the citation now increases to $36.00.)
      2. Please note that once we enter the 15th day, the Citation is now delinquent and is transferred to the Bursar’s office and the Parking office no longer handles this charge.
        • Also note if parents have FERPA Financial permission that when they receive a statement from the University, the statement will show all outstanding balances.
  5. File a Higher Appeal
    1. Complete higher appeal in person at Parking and Transportation Services at 2121 Stephenson Drive
    2. If that Appeal is denied, you have the same payment options as above


  • Lack of knowledge of the regulations or did not see posted regulation/signage
  • Other vehicles were parked improperly
  • Only parked illegally for a short period of time/blinkers were on
  • Stated failure of parking officer to ticket previously for similar offenses
  • Late to class or appointment
  • Inability to pay the amount of the fine
  • No other place to park
  • Permission to park given by anyone other than a Parking and Transportation Services employee
  • Inclement weather conditions
  • Parked in an  Accessible access aisle (hash mark area)