Alternative Vehicle Policy Revisions (Golf/Utility carts)

Subject: Golf/Utility Cart Policy Updated including No Parking Allowed on Sidewalks

UTPD, Parking & Transit Services, and Environmental Health and Safety are partnering to announce a policy effective immediately. Alternative vehicles (like golf/utility carts) are not allowed to operate in an unsafe manner, park on sidewalks and block entrances to buildings, and must be registered.

“Our staff has routinely seen these types of vehicles not following the rules of the road and we are fortunate that there have not been any accidents involving injury” said Deputy Chief Jeff Severs.

An Alternative Vehicle (ATV) is defined as a motor driven vehicle not meeting the definition of a sedan, truck, pickup or van and whose primary function is transportation. Examples include the following:  all-terrain vehicles, carts, utility carts, golf carts and Segways.

Alternative Vehicles as those which are purchased, leased, traded for, loaned, donated, and similar activities where an alternative vehicle is under the control of a student, staff, or faculty member and driven on campus owned streets.

As we begin the school year we want to make you aware of the highlights of this policy:

  1. Alternative vehicles acquired after July 1, 2016 shall be through and delivered to Fleet Management
  2. Register vehicle with Parking & Transit Services and display the Alternative Vehicle Permit
  3. Drivers need to meet criteria and pass an alternate vehicle safety course which includes such information as:
    1. Obey speed limit
    2. Cannot use pedestrian crosswalks to cross roadways
    3. Pedestrians have the right-of-way, alternate vehicles must yield to pedestrians on the sidewalk
    4. Reduce speed in heavy pedestrian traffic or stop until the traffic has lessened
  4. Alternative vehicles shall not be parked within 10 feet of the entrance or exit of any building, except at loading docks
  5. Alternative vehicles shall not be parked in a way that blocks fire hydrants, emergency exits, and vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Vehicles shall not be parked in fire lanes, in metered parking spaces, on sidewalks, in accessible/handicapped parking, impeding accessible/handicapped ramps or in reserved parking.

The process:

Parking & Transit Services processes the registration for alternative vehicles and provides a sticker which must be affixed to the vehicle (there is NO cost to register).  In addition the Parking enforcement officers will be alerting those who are incorrectly parked.

Environmental Health & Safety will conduct trainings to educate your new or returning staff if they have not taken this training.

UTPD staff will be enforcing violations where vehicles are being operated in an unsafe manner.

“This is simply an effort on our part to keep the members of our campus community safe.” said Deputy Chief Severs.

CLICK HERE To view the complete policy

Questions regarding the interpretation or implementation of this policy should be directed to one of the following: UT Police (974-3114), Parking & Transit Services (974-6031), or Environmental Health and Safety (974-5084).