Neyland Express route update Mar 4 2024

Changes made to the inbound Neyland Express route

Starting today, Mon, Mar 4th, the Neyland Express will get to Gate 21 much faster, eliminating about 15 minutes from the lengthy commute.

After weeks of working with the athletics construction group at the stadium, they have opened a one-way lane from Peyton Manning to Phillip Fulmer to Gate 21 for bus travel only. This eliminates the congestion at Ped Walkway and Cumberland Ave, especially at class change.

Adjustments have also been made to the outbound route
The bus does need to travel from Phillip Fulmer to Cumberland to Volunteer Blvd on this portion.

Our Traffic Engineer is working with the City of Knoxville to lengthen the timing for the traffic signals at James Agee and Volunteer Blvd to allow more traffic to turn.

The GPS on the buses shows the inbound buses traveling on Peyton Manning today.