
You picked a major,now pick your zone

Parking on campus and in the surrounding neighborhoods is extremely limited and parking regulations are strictly enforced. A valid University of Tennessee parking permit is required to park in all UT parking areas 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

» Student Parking Maps

Student Parking Overview

  • Commuter and non-commuter (residential) permits are sold for specific “zoned” lots under a tiered pricing structure.
  • Parking permits are sold by academic classification with graduate students and seniors having the first opportunities, followed by juniors, sophomores, and freshmen students. Non-commuter permits for first-year students will be very limited and sold separately through a randomized selection process. Note: For parking permit purposes, all first-year students are considered freshmen regardless of credit hours earned.
  • Zones in the core of campus are more expensive than intermediate and remote lots.
  • During regular school hours, permits are only valid in assigned zones (ex. core permits may only be used in core areas). After 5 p.m., all student permits are valid in any commuter or unreserved staff space until 3 a.m.
  • The addition of more than 1,000 hourly mobile-pay parking spaces throughout campus provide flexibility on days you need more access to campus.
  • Parking permits for Fall 2025 will go on sale in July.

Students are encouraged to park once and ride the T to their final destination. With a fleet of 31 buses, 10 fixed routes, and on-demand accessible transportation, the T transit system is a free service designed to help students move around campus safely and efficiently. Visit for information regarding free T bus routes and the hours of operation.

First-Year Residential/Non-Commuter Parking

  • Non-commuter parking is very limited. First-year students living on campus are encouraged not to bring a car.
  • Remote parking will be available to first-year students, but not all first-year students who want to bring a car will receive a permit.
  • First-year students who have confirmed their enrollment and plan to live on campus may apply to be part of a randomized selection process for the opportunity to purchase a non-commuter permit.
  • The randomized selection application for first-year non-commuter permits opens on Mon., March 17 and closes on Friday, May 16 at 5 p.m. ET. First-year students must confirm enrollment and complete a housing application to be eligible to apply for non-commuter parking. 
  • Students will receive an email with the link to the first-year non-commuter parking application.  Students will use their Net ID and password to access the form. Additional information about accessing student NetIDs and Passwords can be found here
  • First-year students will be notified of the results from the randomized selection process by the end of May. Approximately 800 students will be eligible to purchase a permit, while an additional 200 students will be added to a waiting list and contacted if and when a permit becomes available or additional remote parking spaces are secured by the university. 
  • More information on getting around Knoxville without a personal vehicle can be found online.

First-Year Commuter Parking

  • First-year commuters will be the last group allowed to purchase parking permits and will likely only have access to remote or Park and Ride permits.
  • Permit sales will open to first-year commuters in late July. Further communications will be sent via email and Vol Update.
  • First-year students commuting from the primary residence of a parent or legal guardian may apply for an exemption from the first-year residency requirement within the University Housing Portal.

Accessible Parking

Park and Ride Permits

  • Available to commuters at the discounted rate of $99 annually.
  • The Park and Ride lot is located in Garage B at the Knoxville Civic Coliseum and is available weekdays between 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.
  • The Park and Ride lot is serviced by dedicated T bus shuttles, which will run every 10 minutes to bring permit holders to the campus transfer point at Gate 21 of Neyland Stadium.
  • Students choosing to utilize the Park and Ride permit are permitted to park on campus in any unreserved staff or commuter space on weekdays after 5 p.m., excluding special events.

Permit-to-Space Ratios

  • Commuter Core: 1.4
  • Commuter Intermediate: 1.6
  • Commuter Remote: 1.85
  • Non-commuter Core: 1.1
  • Non-commuter Remote: 1.2

Permit Prices

2024-25 Student Parking Permit Rates

Permit Category Zone Permit Rate 
Commuter Core $390
Commuter Intermediate $250
Commuter Remote $198
Commuter Park and Ride $99
Non-commuter (signed UT Housing contract only) Core $450
Non-commuter (signed UT Housing contract only) Remote $310
Non-commuter (signed UT Housing contract only) Park and Ride $250
Greek Residential Core $450
Motorcycle – residential no zone $165
Motorcycle – commuter no zone $132
Evening School (after 3 p.m.)

Commuter (after 3 p.m.)

Unreserved Staff (after 4 p.m.)


Student Online Permit Purchase Instructions

Spring 2025 – ONLY available for Motorcycle, Evening, Greek Sorority, and Greek Fraternity. All other commuter permits for Spring 2025 will be sold at the Parking office.

Before continuing to purchase a student permit, you will need the following information:

  • NetID and password
  • Credit card or access to MyUTK
  • License plate number
  • License plate registration expiration date
  • Make, model, year, and color of the vehicle(s) you will be driving to campus

Receipt and Temporary Permit – At the end of the transaction print the 14-day temporary permit to park in your designated area.

Hang tags are mailed the next business day from the vendor. Permits are not available to pick up in the office.

Purchase a Student Permit